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1 Resultado de traducción para fortune en español


fortune noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
fortuna; suerte; destino, buenaventura; dineral, platal

Ejemplos de uso de
fortune noun

  • He hoped to achieve fame and fortune.
  • They had the good fortune to escape injury when their car crashed.
  • The book follows the fortunes of two families through the years.

Sinónimos de
fortune noun

Sinónimos detallados para fortune noun

Ver: Chance

Frases relacionadas para fortune

Traducción inversa para fortune

fortuna  - fortune, luck, wealth, fortune 
suerte  - luck, fortune, fate, destiny, lot, sort, kind 
destino  - destiny, fate, destination, use, assignment, post 
buenaventura  - good luck, fortune, future 
dineral  - fortune, large sum of money 
platal  - large sum of money, fortune 
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